• Platinum

Link and Motivation was founded in 2000 as the world's first management consulting firm focused on motivation. Since the release of Motivation Cloud in 2016, the company has developed 5 products widely in BtoB and BtoC. In 2018, the company started in-house development organization and has grown to 100 employees in about 5 years. The company is also actively engaged in re-architecture and is focusing on improving the developer experience and development productivity. As of the end of December 2022, MRR reached 320 million yen and continues to grow at over 130% annually.


In this session, we will present a case study of refactoring Vue.js to shorten development lead time. We will discuss the design policy that utilized Vue3 with specific examples, as well as the good points and reflections for developers to catch up with its new source code. We would be happy if you could refer to this presentation as one example of how Vue.js was used to improve development productivity.

鵜木 義秀 / Yoshihide Unokiの写真

Enabling Group, Developer Productivity Unit, Product Design Office, Link and Motivation Inc.

Yoshihide Unoki