
WineUp: Machine Learning, Mobile Apps, Wine, Cheese, and You

Any developer who has tried to enhance a mobile app has been tempted by the siren song of machine learning. Who can resist making your app smarter, more responsive, more customized to a user's needs? There are a lot of really great cognitive services that promise to enhance your app with pretrained models, and sometimes those work really well. But most of the time, you need something much more custom, just as special as your app. In this talk, I'll walk you through the decision-making process on the ways to introduce machine learning into your mobile app. I'll demonstrate how to scaffold a native mobile app built with Vue, and then how to combine database calls, cognitive services, and a custom-trained TensorFlow lite model to build the ultimate gourmet app: WineUp, and app that helps lovers of wine and cheese to make the perfect flavor pairings. Come to the vineyard with me and taste the beautiful combination of wine, cheese, Vue.js, mobile apps, and machine learning!

Vue Vixens 創設者兼 CEO

Jen Looper

Microsoft のクラウドデベロッパーアドボケイトリード、Google Developer Expert として Web およびモバイル開発者として 18年以上の経験を持ち、クロスプラットフォームのモバイルアプリケーション制作を専門としています。

ハードウェアハッキング、モバイルアプリ、Vue.js、機械学習、そして毎日新しいことの発見に情熱を注いでいる多言語多文化主義者です。Vue.js コミュニティの多様性を促進する先駆けである Vue Vixens の創設者兼 CEO です。
